When my husband and I first met, his dad came up to Houston for a business transaction and decided to live with us. Of course we were still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship and everything was good. His dad was wonderful from afar.
After a while I started to notice little odd things my father in law would do. I merely passed it off as his crazy odd habits after all everyone has odd habits.... I'll save his odd habits for a later story. The remote controller picture is an example of his handy work and boy are there plenty of those.
Anyway, we manage to survive Christmas which was wonderful and it came time to take down the Christmas tree. My husband miss calculated the ceiling height and the tree could house a pack of squirrels and some. It was like the Grizzwald’s Christmas tree on steroids. As a nice gesture my father in law wanted to take down the tree, I told him thank you but no. I wanted to keep the tree up just a bit longer.
As we approach our house from doing errands. I notice this big thing on our yard which looked burnt. And I’m thinking to myself, please lord don’t let that be my house. Keep in mind we had just moved in and I wanted to at least have a good impression to our new neighbors. Well, my crazy father in law took out the tree without taking off the ornaments, lights, etc… and dragged it out from the living room to the front yard. So all you saw from the living room to the front yard was broken lights, precious ornaments my mother had given me and all keep sake stuff every where. I mean every where!!!, it was as though wild dogs had gone through our house.
At that moment I never wanted to choke someone before but boy I wanted to just scream and kill my father in law, however all I could manage was just tears,.. no words just tears…. To top things off my crazy father in law went out and bought a car cover for his truck. True to form he bought the opposite of what he actually needed. So next to the broken Grizzwald Christmas tree was this ridiculous truck which had a car cover for a Miata and only covered the hood of his truck…!!!! We moved the following year.