After reading an article about birth orders, it made me wonder a little bit if indeed it is true. (read here for the full article http://lifestyle.msn.com/familyandparenting/raisingkids/articleab.aspx?cp-documentid=2135338 ) Though all my three kids display characteristic of each traits, I can’t help wonder if uniqueness is defined by how much I allow them to get away with. For example, I used to think my middle child Patrick during the day time is the sweetest, well mannered child and than turns into a demon when my husband gets home. But actually he is still sweet and well mannered it’s just my attention has changed because by the time my oldest son and husband gets home I’m split in four different directions. Once he notices that I’m distracted is when he’ll start acting up more. But do you really blame him. When I started joining a mothers group, I was scared at first what my kids will behave like. Since joining I’ve gone out a couple of times with other moms and Patrick (my middle child) display characteristics of the first born because I allow him to take that role as my helper. I see more and more of how much he wants to learn but for him the world is just so big and the possibility of doing something bad is that much more tempting. My oldest son does display more of the characteristics of the first born. But when he is with other kids, he is free to run, jump and just be a kid. It’s when I start to expect his behavior to be in line with mine, is when I start to second guess myself. So the biggest challenge is scheduling time for each of them and to take little moments for what it is. Luckily my youngest child is still on a napping schedule during the day time which allows me to dedicate that time for Patrick while Kohl is at school. Isabella gets the morning and Kohl gets the evening.
What I took away from the article is that my outlook is different per child and their personalities is not so much shaped by the birth orders, but the priorities that we give each child. The article is a good reference but I truly think what we teach our kids is what will guide them into shaping their own life.
What I took away from the article is that my outlook is different per child and their personalities is not so much shaped by the birth orders, but the priorities that we give each child. The article is a good reference but I truly think what we teach our kids is what will guide them into shaping their own life.